Bimbingan Teknis Pemeliharaan dan Perbaikan Peralatan Elektronika Rumah Tangga di Desa Sumber Sari Kecamatan Moramo Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara


  • St. Nawal Jaya
  • Wa Ode Siti Nur Alam
  • Gamal Abdel Nasser Masikki
  • Achmad Nur Aliansyah
  • Luther Pagiling
  • Bunyamin
  • Wa Ode Zulkaida
  • Indrayati Galugu
  • Nita Zelfia D L M
  • Muh. Nadzirin Anshari Nur
  • Asminar



household electronic equipment , knowledge, maintaining, repairing, skills


Most people, especially in rural areas, are far from electronic equipment service places so they do not have quick access to repair electronic equipment that is disrupted or damaged. Several other facts in the field are that people do not pay attention to manuals on electronic equipment. As a result, electronic equipment often experiences disruptions or short lifetime. Through this service activity, housewives in Sumber Sari Village, Moramo District, South Konawe Regency are given basic knowledge on how to maintain/care for household electronics equipment according to manuals and theories and are given practical skills in repairing household electronics equipment effectively and efficiently. The methods used in service activities consist of lectures using PPT and educational videos and direct practice to repair disturbances or damage. The results obtained from this activity for the community increased the community's knowledge and skills about electronic components and practical methods in caring - maintaining and repairing household electronic equipment. In addition, based on the results of the questionnaire shows that the most common types of household electronic equipment owned by the residents of Sumber Sari Village are Ts and fans, the average duration of the life of the equipment is between 2 to 5 years, TVs have a long service life and blenders have a short service life, maintenance actions that have been or have been carried out in the form of cleaning dust on equipment,  The quickest and most frequent action if there is a malfunction is to take it to a service place, and the most frequent damage to equipment is a short circuit.



